Getting Prepared To Survive

Homesteading, preppers, survival, self-sufficient, preparedness, and tips for becoming more self-sufficient in these trying times. Learn to be able to take care of your family with very little money and tons of ingenuity.

Enterovirus: The Preppers Guide to Surviving Enterovirus (Enterovirus, Enterovirus 68, Ebola) November 4, 2014

Enterovirus: The Preppers Guide to Surviving Enterovirus (Enterovirus, Enterovirus 68, Ebola) was a free book for kindle when this post was written.


The Preppers Guide to Surviving Enterovirus

Stay calm and don’t panic for we have come up with simple solutions on how to protect yourself and your children from getting infected from currently ravaging Enterovirus, type D68 which turned out to be heading towards pandemic proportions, mostly attacking children and teenagers of ages 1 to 18 with a history of respiratory problems.

You won’t be feeling helpless anymore, because we are offering simple and easy tips on how to learn to prevent your family from getting infected, offering a reminder of basic hygiene habits that work as good as any vaccine, preventive tips, transmission and treatment facts along with explaining the origin of Enterovirus D68, so you can get to know your enemy better.

You will be able to read and learn more about D68 through 6 chapters and following topics:

  • What is Enterovirus D68, origin of D68
  • Prevention and how to protect yourself and your family from getting infected
  • Symptoms of Enterovirus D68 and how to recognize infection
  • Transmission and treatment for Enterovirus D68
  • Tips and advice on how to stay virus-free during the season of possible virus infections
  • How to educate your child to avoid being infected
  • How to survive Enterovirus D68 outbreak